A Short Introduction to Literary Criticism

A critic is an ideal reader, methodically trained and provides judgement. A critic analyses, classifies,evaluates, examines, inquires, subjects the text closer, scrutinises, pronounces a verdict upon the text. He demands intellectual freedom. Literary criticism is an exercise of judgement on the works of literature. History of Criticism Hellenic Criticism Fourth and fifth century Athens became …

The Second Coming – W B Yeats

         William Butler Yeats was a renowned Irish poet who tried to bring back the Irish Drama, the Celtic. He was ‘a man of letters’ and was one of the spiritualistic persons of the modern era. He wrote poems with reality in them. “The Second Coming” is one such poem and a spiritual one as well …


            Morphology is the study of the internal structure of the words. Morphemes are the minimal meaningful unit or a grammatical function. These morphemes come under the label morphology. There are two types of morphemes – free morpheme and bound morpheme.  Free Morpheme:             Free morphemes are the words which can stand by themselves. Example – take, …

Indian Reservation: Caughnawaga

A.M.Klein The lamenting tone is dramatic with an abrupt beginning to captivate the attention of the readers. It means a sense of loss. Men were of different kinds like warriors and chieftains, wherein brave means warriors which has two semantic differences  “where and brave”. It tells us that they are no more brave. The early …

Of Friendship – Francis Bacon

The opening lines of Francis Bacon’s essay from his The Essays is a statement of Aristotle, which means that man is naturally gregarious and that it is unnatural to avoid the society unless he performs meditation or has a contemplation of the divine. Bacon says that living in a crowd as in a great city …


Consonants are those speech sounds in the production of which the air stream from the lungs is obstructed at some place. In describing the articulation or production of consonants, four points must be touched on, namely, – Place of articulation, the place where this obstruction takes place.Manner of articulation – i.e, what kind of obstruction …

The Organs of Speech

There are a lot of organs which help a person speak with proper pronunciation and clarity. Some organs are helpful in differentiating the sounds through articulation. Lungs They act as the main source of energy for speech. It has small air pockets called alveoles in which oxygen is stored. When the air in the alveolus …

Aristotle’s Poetics (Part III)

The artistic ornament in a diction implies the rhythm, harmony and song. Rhythm and harmony in verse may be used to develop some parts and song to imply others. They are all designed to enrich the language of the play to make it more effective. There are a few aspects included in a tragedy and …

Aristotle’s Poetics (Part II)

Catharsis (meaning purification). Aristotle implicitly suggests that tragedy helps to keep pity and fear in their due proportions by allowing to find the spiritual purgation of these elements. Catharsis directs out pity and fear towards worthier objects. In a tragedy where the sufferings being witnessed are not our own. These emotions find a free and …